We all remember that first feeling of falling in love. The butterflies, heart racing when you see each other. The first few months are an exciting roller coaster of emotions. You’re walking on air. The thrill and euphoria eventually give way to a stable, deeper love, a true partnership between two people. The butterflies will return when you walk down the aisle, but the crazy, madly-in-love feeling fades to something comfortable and reassuring. It’s easy to be content with a steady routine, especially once you’re married, but plan a few romantic rendezvous to reignite the spark. Dates, like Valentine’s day, can be important, even when you’re married.


Remember the important dates


A happy, stable relationship is definitely at the top of most of our goals. There’s nothing more comforting than waking up next to the one you love or a quiet night in. Yet, because the initial excitement of falling in love has faded, there’s no reason you’re relationship should be boring, or lazy. While words no longer seem needed to express your love, it’s still important to celebrate it, especially on important dates such as anniversaries, birthdays, and yes, even Valentine’s Day. This day may seem a cliche to some, a commercialised waste of money, but let’s not ignore the benefits of a romantic date, even on the night everyone else is doing it.


Married life can be busy, sometimes it’s easier to stay in, order take-out, and collapse early into bed. The heightened romance of Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to remind your partner how much they mean to you. Red hearts, cupids arrows, fluffy teddy bears, the day is all about romance. The perfect opportunity to get dressed up, leave the kids with a babysitter, and devote the night to each other. Forget all the usual excuses, pull out all the stops and plan a thoughtful, intimate night of wooing to keep the love alive. The warm fuzzy feelings are sure to flow in the candlelight.


Keep date night alive


Keeping the love alive shouldn’t be reserved for the important dates. In fact, all couples, married or not, should make the effort to include regular date nights into their routine. It’s a way to reinforce your commitment to each other. A chance for quality alone time to check in and strengthen your bond away from everyday life. Date night doesn’t have to be a fancy three-course meal, it could be breakfast together, a fun activity you both love doing, anything you can share together that builds intimacy and communication.


A relationship is a commitment to another person. It takes work and investment to keep a relationship alive and fresh. Whether you’re dating, engaged or happily married, it’s important to put effort into your relationship. Take time out for yourselves, go on dates, celebrate the significant anniversaries, and don’t skip Valentine’s Day.



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